HiPOS New Trade Update: Volatility Opportunities Remain High
Today ZEGA’s traders put on a new HiPOS Conservative trade for an August 19th expiration. We’ve been noting how the VIX has remained elevated for some time.
Today ZEGA’s traders put on a new HiPOS Conservative trade for an August 19th expiration. We’ve been noting how the VIX has remained elevated for some time.
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Jay Pestrichelli is back to join Derek Moore to talk about the recent blowups in Crypto and review some contrarian picks that worked and didn’t work.
After much speculation, its confirmed, we officially entered a bear market closing below 20% from the January 3rd top earlier this year.
With the short put spread resting 23% above (out of the money) the respite from the selloff has been a welcome site for the strategy.
Today the ZEGA team rolled forward and down (further out of the money) the primary HiPOS Conservative trade.