HiPOS Weekly Update: Strategy Pressured but Stable as Market Suffers Consecutive Gap Downs
Despite the recent drops, our primary HiPOS conservative trade remains right around 10% out of the money.
Despite the recent drops, our primary HiPOS conservative trade remains right around 10% out of the money.
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In our primary HiPOS Conservative trade, currently it has reaped the benefits of some sideways action in the underlying S&P 500 Index.
Today ZEGA’s traders put on a new short put spread on the S&P 500 Index. Given that volatility remains elevated in our current environment, we identified a targeted +1.4% profit with a distance out of the money of about 17% at time of entry.
Today our primary conservative HIPOS trade will expire worthless. That is good news since we’ll realize a full profit on positions. This trade was a little different in that we rolled forward to take advantage of the volatility increasing our profit target while extending the original expiration out as well.
Jay Pestrichelli joins Derek Moore to discuss the current economic and market environment. Topics include the 4 Rs, Recession, Rates, Reduction of Multiples (PE Ratios), and the conflict in Russia.