ZEGA’s November 2020 Performance Numbers Release
Download a PDF version of ZEGA's latest performance numbers.
Download a PDF version of ZEGA's latest performance numbers.
The Wall of Worry pertains to investors always worrying as markets climb higher. So, what are some of the bull and bear cases on the markets, valuations, inflation, interest rates, stocks, and bonds? Jay Pestrichelli and Derek Moore join up again...
Jay and Derek got together for a video Zoom chat to review several Bull Market and Bear Market talking points.
Download a PDF version of ZEGA's latest performance numbers.
With the 3rd quarter coming to an end once again its time for a Buy & Hedge Retirement Strategy update focused on our peer comparison review. This is an opportunity to see how the strategy stacks up with a collection of others in the space.
Within the Buy and Hedge Retirement Strategy, today our traders adjusted some tactical positions and thus reverted to the standard issue construction. You might remember that our analysis revealed that when markets selloff by a certain percent, it became advantageous to make adjustments that would capitalize on any rebound.