ZEGA’s November 2020 Performance Numbers Release
Download a PDF version of ZEGA's latest performance numbers.
Download a PDF version of ZEGA's latest performance numbers.
A new trade was executed in our HiPOS Conservative version today on the call side. This trade came adjacent to the most recent expiration that occurred this past Friday where we saw a successful full profit realization.
The Russell 2000 Index continues to make new all-time highs and move against our short call spread. However, we now only have three more trading days until expiration day on December 4th. Yes, it is December 2020 already!
The Wall of Worry pertains to investors always worrying as markets climb higher. So, what are some of the bull and bear cases on the markets, valuations, inflation, interest rates, stocks, and bonds? Jay Pestrichelli and Derek Moore join up again...
Today the ZEGA trading team found an interesting shorter in duration HIPOS Conservative trade. For this one we went to the Russell 2000 Index where a short call spread utilizing the 1930/1980 strikes qualified under our strict criteria.
Jay and Derek got together for a video Zoom chat to review several Bull Market and Bear Market talking points.