HiPOS Weekly Update: Testing but Not Breaking Down
The Nasdaq 100 Index or (NDX) has dropped just under 6% since our primary HiPOS Conservative trade was put on.
The Nasdaq 100 Index or (NDX) has dropped just under 6% since our primary HiPOS Conservative trade was put on.
Jay Pestrichelli and Derek Moore discuss why volatility remains high. How the VIX Index stays elevated even after the initial reasons subside. What is driving the market pricing of the S&P 500 Index and how it compares to prior 10-year periods.
With the recent moves in the underlying S&P 500 Index, your clients’ positions in HiPOS Conservative have moved lower.
With Friday’s expiration of our current HiPOS conservative trade, it is on track for another realized profit. As of the close Thursday, the Nasdaq 100 Index (NDX) was resting 17.2% out of the money from the 11200 short put strike.
The benefit of having a hedged equity strategy is that your portfolio is hedged against the downside. You still look to capture a large part of the upside. You do not need to time the market. You do not need to read every bit of news or prediction about impending doom in the markets.
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