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HiPOS Weekly Update: New Trade for the New Year! Thumbnail

HiPOS Weekly Update: New Trade for the New Year!

After running the analytics today, ZEGA’s traders found a new short put spread for our primary HiPOS Conservative strategy. This iteration will have a January 31st expiration which is 17 trading days away given weekends and the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday on Monday the 20th. The underlying index is once again the S&P 500 and the profit target is 1%.

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Where Did the 2010’s Rank for Total Return on S&P 500 Index? Thumbnail

Where Did the 2010’s Rank for Total Return on S&P 500 Index?

Recently I’ve been listening to various financial analysts talk about what the previous decades average returns mean for the next decade. Questions like: Where are we on valuations? What will earnings do? Where do the 2010’s as a decade rank in comparison to past decades with total returns (including dividends)?

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