How To Explain the Life Cycle of a HiPOS Conservative Trade
How can you explain to clients or friends what to expect once the ZEGA trading team has used their rules-based approach to put on a new HiPOS position?
How can you explain to clients or friends what to expect once the ZEGA trading team has used their rules-based approach to put on a new HiPOS position?
Today's Jobs data showed rising wages and slowing pace of hiring which is not a great recipe.
New Podcast where Jay and Derek go beyond the headlines and give you talking points so you can have better conversations around key themes.
We know that many advisors using the HiPOS Conservative strategy are looking to better explain how underlying market movements and changes impact the prospects for current positions.
Notional value in options and futures can be used to both reduce risk and create risk.
Today’s pullback and increase in volatility provided the ZEGA trading team an opportunity to put money right back to work after last week’s successful HiPOS expiration.