YieldMax ETFs in the News
YieldMax ETFs in the News! News outlets are writing about the YieldMax ETFs - take a look here.
YieldMax ETFs in the News! News outlets are writing about the YieldMax ETFs - take a look here.
YieldMax ETFs Announces Monthly Distributions - TSLY and OARK
ZEGA Buy and Hedge ETF/Tidal ETF Trust (NYSE: ZHDG) on December 22, 2022 declared a dividend of $0.5667 per share.
Introducing YieldMax ETFs as Yield Alternative, OARK & TSLY
Watch the TDA Network replay where Jay talks about volatility selling tactics and a dividend plus premium selling approach.
Users of our Buy and Hedge Retirement strategy know that the portfolio is made up of long call options that own a notional amount of the S&P 500 index, and yield producing positions which is currently in fixed income.