ZEGA Financial’s First Quarter Update for 2019
Watch ZEGA’s 2019 Q1 Update to hear Jay go over a brief market review, explain how ZEGA’s strategies are performing, and what is going on at ZEGA in 2019.
Watch ZEGA’s 2019 Q1 Update to hear Jay go over a brief market review, explain how ZEGA’s strategies are performing, and what is going on at ZEGA in 2019.
Jay Pestrichelli joined Derek Moore in a lively discussion around potential myths with the 60/40 Stock and Bond portfolio. During the podcast they talked about issues around using historical bond returns when yields where much higher than today.
Click here for a PDF version of our March performance numbers.
After a bit of a respite sitting in cash, the ZEGA traders uncovered a fresh new short put spread position in the HIPOS strategy. For this edition, the team utilized the Russell 2000 Index with a May 3rd expiration date.
After our last successful expiration of our primary HIPOS trade the ZEGA trading team is at work crunching the numbers looking for another position that qualifies under our stringent rules for entry.
ZEGA has created a quiz to test your knowledge on options. Be one of the first people to take the challenge and get on our leader board!