Jay Joins Seeking Alpha to Discuss Volatility in Markets
Check out an interview with Seeking Alpha where the focus is a bit more on the Fed, interest rates, and hedging.
Check out an interview with Seeking Alpha where the focus is a bit more on the Fed, interest rates, and hedging.
After last week’s volatility surge and market drop, wanted to check in around our current HiPOS Conservative trade.
While the S&P 500 Index and Nasdaq 100 were both already in correction territory, the geopolitical news overnight has put more pressure on markets. We wanted to share our thoughts on the market reaction and will include what we’ve been hearing and reading.
Today ZEGA’s traders made the decision to capitalize on the sustained higher volatility by rolling the current short put spread trade out to a March 18th Expiration.
Jay Pestrichelli, CEO ZEGA Financial, is back with Derek Moore to say congratulations to our government debt reaching $30 Trillion! What are the ramifications of high debt levels? What the interest on that debt could be if rates rise?
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