HiPOS Trade Update: Riding the Volatility Wave
HiPOS Trade Update: Riding the Volatility Wave - New HiPOS Conservative Trade
HiPOS Trade Update: Riding the Volatility Wave - New HiPOS Conservative Trade
HiPOS Weekly Update: Expiration Week Special
ZEGA’s September 2023 Performance Numbers Release
Derek and Jay look at how markets have done during past Government Shutdowns. The S&P 500 Index during, and 3 and 6 months later. Then they get in dept on why selling in-the-money puts is the same as selling covered calls on stock.
New HiPOS Conservative Trade - As we referenced in last week’s update volatility has remained on the higher end of late. This enabled ZEGA’s traders to jump from Friday’s expiration to today’s entry without any days in between.
HiPOS Conservative Expiration Day Is Here - Today our primary short put spread expires worthless for a full profit. What you’ll see over the weekend is the positions will be removed with a “removed due to expiration” notation in your transactions.