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New Podcast: Contrarian Market Corner

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Derek Moore is joined once again by ZEGA CEO Jay Pestrichelli to give a few contrarian takes on markets. What are the inverse of obvious trades when inflation is perceived to be continuing? How commodities have run but gold has disappointed. Plus, why the Fed raising rates might increase costs. Yup, that’s contrarian but we’ll explain on the podcast.  

Oh, and these are not recommendations, and you shouldn’t trade on them. You’ll also see our wrong dark horse Superbowl picks. But hey we tried. In the end just Buy and Hedge! Hey there is a strategy for that.

 Mentioned in this Episode:

  •  Good news bad news market reactions
  • Contrarian trade ideas
  • Are FED interest rate expectations too much?
  • Inflation continues as calls for the FED to do something increase
  • Will raising interest rates actually do anything for inflation?
  • What if raising rates will cause more inflation?
  • Well intentioned government programs have unintended consequences
  • The Cobra Problem
  • Bad Superbowl Predictions
  • The return of Ozark show on Netflix
  • Why we buy but hedge in portfolios