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Nasdaq 100 Index Strong First Half Equals Strong Second Half? | Overbought or not? | Trying to Guess the Forward PE Multiple Is Hard!

By Derek Moore

Show Summary:

 Derek Moore and ZEGA Financial CEO Jay Pestrichelli comment on Bloomberg’s article showing the Nasdaq 100 Index just had its best 1st half since the early nineties. Is the market overbought or rightly valued and trending? Do investors who missed the rally say it’s overbought because they need it to go back down? Looking at how markets do when they are up big in the first half of the year. Plus, Jay and Derek go back over some predictions from December to see how right or wrong they were. Finally, some quick thoughts on student loans from an economic standpoint. Some good recommendations. 

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 Topics Include:

  • Bloomberg’s article showing the Nasdaq 100 Index just had its best 1st half since the early nineties. 
  • Is the market overbought or rightly valued and trending?
  • When markets have big first half historically how do they end the second half of the year?
  • Do investors say markets are overbought because they missed out?
  • Reviewing our predictions from December to now
  • Student loan decision
  • Looking at the cost of college from an economic standpoint
  • Student loan payments start again in October and potential impact on GDP and inflation.
  • You could nail next year’s earnings but not the market multiple.
  • What is the forward PE ratio?
  • What were 2023 predictions on the S&P 500, Inflation, GDP, Gold, Bitcoin, Fed Funds and more
  • Mentioned in this Episode:

 Bloomberg article Where Stock Market is Headed after Wild First Half in Five Charts 

Fear and Greed Index | Volatility Surface | Put Call Ratio | Wall Street Gets Bullish | Homebuilders Surprise

Bear Market Rally or New Bull? |The Fed Talks Tough but Does Nothing | PE Like its 1995

Cheaper to Rent than Buy? | Beneish-M Score Near Market Highs? | Top 10 Market Cap Companies by Decade | VIX Level Makes Multiyear Low 

 Jay Pestrichelli’s book Buy and Hedge 

 Derek’s new book on public speaking Effortless Public Speaking 


Derek Moore’s book Broken Pie Chart https://www.amazon.com/Broken-Pie-Chart-Investment-Portfolio/dp/1787435547/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=broken+pie+chart&qid=1558722226&s=books&sr=1-1-catcorr


Contact Derek derek.moore@zegafinancial.com