Goldman Makes News With 3% S&P Target | Markets Too Concentrated? | What If Mortgage Rates Don’t Fall? | Gold Returns Examined
By Derek Moore
Show Summary:
Derek Moore and Jay Pestrichelli talk about everyone talking about Goldman’s 3% annual return target for next 10 years. What’s behind their analysis includes whether the S&P 500 Index has too much concentration. Then they discuss what is responsible in retrospect for markets going up or down including profit margins, sales, buybacks, dividends, and EPS. Later, they talk about gold and its huge jump in 2024. Finally, how underwhelming the small caps have been relative to past bull markets, S&P 500 Index constituent turnover, and Apple’s options volatility pre-earnings.
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Topics Include:
- Goldman Sachs base case of 3% annualized return next 10 years
- Vanguard’s June 2024 10 year forward annualized return estimates
- How market movement is attributed to EPS, Sales, Dividends, Margins, and Buybacks
- Historical 10-year constituent turnover for S&P 500 Index
- Touching on Meb Faber’s observation of both Gold and the S&P 500 above 25% return for year
- Small caps lowest bull market return covering 13 bull markets since 1949
- Apple earnings and the option volatility
- Cost of the Apple straddle a week before earnings
- Uber’s implied volatility pre-earnings week
- Spread between the 30-year mortgage and the 10-year treasury yield
- What if mortgage rates and long bonds go up not down?
- MBS bonds (mortgage backed securities) nuances
Charts Mentioned in This Episode
Source: Goldman Market Forecast Report
Source: Goldman Market Forecast Report
Source: Goldman Market Forecast Report
Source: Bespoke Investment Group
Source: Richmond Fed
Source: Richmond Fed
Mentioned in this Episode
Vanguard June 30th Forward 10 Year Investment Return Outlook
Jay Pestrichelli’s book Buy and Hedge
Derek’s new book on public speaking Effortless Public Speaking
Derek Moore’s book Broken Pie Chart
Contact Derek derek.moore@zegainvestments.com
Last Week’s Episode:
Small Caps Get Their Day | Buffett’s Apple Blunder? | Bull Market Length | Nvidia Cisco Comparison | Netflix Options Volatility
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