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Fund Flows into Tech go Parabolic | Was Everyone Wrong on International Markets? | Auto Dealership Profits

 By Derek Moore

Show Summary:

Derek Moore and Mike Puck from ZEGA Financial discuss how unlike what all the “experts” thought, international stocks have done quite well, and Europe’s economy held up. They look back at how long US large cap has outperformed international developed country markets. Then they look at some sector flows and note the parabolic nature of the chart into the tech sector. Plus, they talk about US Equity Factors through very early June comparing growth, value, high beta, and low volatility performance. Finally, in a follow up to a previous episode’s debate about car prices, Derek reads some reader emails and reviews the BLS data showing markups at dealerships are way up!

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 Topics Include:

  • Auto dealership markups go up big compared to the increase in cars themselves.
  • US Equity Factors through early June
  • High Beta vs Low Volatility names
  • How international developed markets have lagged US large cap for years.
  • Are there green shoots for developed international markets?
  • What areas are included in developed international?
  • Sector fund flows show tech gets a ton of new money flowing into it.
  • What sectors have fallen out of favor looking at sector fund flows?
  • Projections on some emerging economies share of middle class rising.
  • Reading some reader email comments on car prices

 Mentioned in this Episode:

 BLS info showing auto dealership markups go way up 

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 WSJ article M-Score Messod D. Beneish Accounting-Fraud Indicator Signals Coming Economic Trouble 

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Jay Pestrichelli’s book Buy and Hedge 

Derek’s new book on public speaking Effortless Public Speaking 

Derek Moore’s book Broken Pie Chart