March 23rd Market Update: Buy & Hedge and ZBIG
Watch Jay’s latest market update regarding Buy & Hedge Retirement and ZBIG.
Watch Jay’s latest market update regarding Buy & Hedge Retirement and ZBIG.
We exited the iron condor today around 10am ET after the market gapped open up nearly 6%. Without going through blow-by-blow of the trading day (and what a crazy day it was), we closed the position at about a net...
ZEGA provides another video update explaining the positioning around the current HiPOS Conservative trade. See the update:
Today’s market declines were extreme. No other way to describe it. With both the futures and regular trading session limiting out and the curbs kicking in...
Jay provides a video message regarding today's volatile market and how that affects ZEGA's strategies.
As the markets closed today, we now mark two weeks of high volatility and high realized volatility. This week alone we’ve witnessed historic multiple 1000-point days up and down in the Dow Jones Index.