ZEGA’s September 2021 Performance Numbers Release
Download a PDF version of ZEGA's latest performance.
Download a PDF version of ZEGA's latest performance.
The last 4 trading days have seen all but one drive lower. The S&P 500 Index is also now down 5.4% from the most recent all-time high.
ZEGA’s trading team found a new short put spread position that met all our rules for entry. With the pullback in markets today, volatility jumped causing option premiums to rise. This means we can sell spreads...
Download a PDF version of our August performance numbers
How can you explain to clients or friends what to expect once the ZEGA trading team has used their rules-based approach to put on a new HiPOS position?
We know that many advisors using the HiPOS Conservative strategy are looking to better explain how underlying market movements and changes impact the prospects for current positions.