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Fed Decision Primer | CPI Disappoints? | Market Breakout or Breakdown? | Market Pricing in Too Many Cuts?

By Derek Moore

Show Summary:

Derek Moore covers what you need to know going into the fed meeting. Plus, reviewing whether the Fed has ever cut rates with a forward price to earnings ratios this high? Then looking at potential technical analysis outcomes on the S&P 500 Index include a cup with handle, triple top, and more.

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Topics Include:

  • Historical Forward PE ratios at Fed cuts
  • VIX Index doesn’t go berserk during Wednesday’s CPI selloff and recovery
  • Is the market pricing in too many future fed cuts
  • Comparing CPI Supercore, CPI Core, and CPI from a month over month annualized basis
  • Does CPI tell us anything about future Fed cuts?
  • What is a cup and handle technical pattern?
  • What is a triple top technical pattern?
  • Unemployment report non-farm payroll factors
  • US Dollar Japanese Yen pair resumes Yen strengthening

Mentioned in this Episode

Jay Pestrichelli’s book Buy and Hedge 

Derek’s new book on public speaking Effortless Public Speaking 

Derek Moore’s book Broken Pie Chart 

Contact Derek derek.moore@zegainvestments.com 


Last Week’s Episode:

Will There or Won’t There Be a Recession? | Size of First Fed Rate Cut?| Stocks Get Cheaper | Why VIX is Tough to Trade 

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